Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly does your service include?

Our service includes a comprehensive financial analysis, personalized savings and investment strategies, guidance on financial aid and scholarships, and ongoing support to help you stay on track until your child graduates.

When is the best time to start planning for college expenses?

The earlier, the better! Starting when your child is young allows you to take advantage of compound interest on savings and maximize financial aid opportunities. However, it's never too late to start, and we can help at any stage.

How do you personalize the plan to our specific needs?

We begin with an in-depth review of your current financial situation, future goals, and any unique circumstances. Based on this, we develop a plan tailored to your family’s needs, including saving strategies, expected contributions, and financial aid options.

What if my child is already in high school? Is it too late to start planning?

It's not too late! We can still create an effective plan to maximize financial aid, scholarships, and other funding sources. We'll also provide guidance on managing and minimizing any potential student loan debt.

How much do your services cost?

Our fees vary based on the level of service you require. We offer a range of packages to fit different budgets, and during our initial consultation, we'll discuss which option is best for you. We believe in transparency and will provide a clear outline of all costs upfront.

Can you help with financial aid applications and scholarship searches?

If you enroll in our Complete College Solution, yes, we provide expert guidance on filling out financial aid forms like the FAFSA and CSS Profile, and we help you identify and apply for scholarships that your child may be eligible for.

What if I already have a financial advisor? How does your service fit in?

We can work alongside your current financial advisor, focusing specifically on college planning. Our expertise in this area complements general financial advice, ensuring that all aspects of your financial life are aligned with your college funding goals.

Will your advice push us toward taking out loans?

Our goal is to minimize the need for loans as much as possible. We explore all other options first, including savings, scholarships, and grants. If loans are necessary, we’ll guide you toward the most cost-effective options and repayment plans. We can even show you our "build your own bank strategy" that creates a private reserve strategy that will help recover college costs and redirect toward retirement.

How do I get started with your service?

Simply schedule a free consultation with us. During this session, we’ll discuss your specific needs and how our service can help you achieve your college planning goals. From there, we’ll develop a personalized plan tailored to your family’s situation. Click on the "FREE CONSULTATION" button below to get started.

Ready to Secure Your Child's Future?

Don’t wait until it’s too late—start planning today! College costs are rising, but with the right plan, you can ensure your child’s education without sacrificing your financial security. Our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Your FIRST Step

Schedule a FREE Consultation with one of our team members!