Score Scholarships

5 Ways To Score Scholarships

September 06, 20245 min read

Let’s face it—college is expensive. Like, “I-could-buy-a-small-island-instead” expensive. But here’s the thing: scholarships exist to make your wallet cry less. And the good news? You don’t have to be a genius or Olympic athlete to get one. All you need is a plan, a pinch of persistence, and the ability to not nap through deadlines. So, let’s dive into five ways you can snag those scholarships and maybe not sell a kidney for tuition.

Start Early – Because Procrastination Won’t Pay the Bills

I know what you’re thinking: “I’ll start applying tomorrow.” And then tomorrow becomes next week, and next week becomes “oops, the deadline passed.” Trust me, we’ve all been there (I’m looking at you, last-minute Christmas shoppers). But here’s a secret: the earlier you start, the better.

  • Make a Scholarship Calendar: Yeah, I said "calendar." It’s a tool people used before smartphones, but trust me, it still works. Write down deadlines and remind yourself often—like, “alarm clock in the face” often.

  • Set Weekly Goals: Apply to one or two a week, or as many as you can before you need a snack break. It’s like swiping right on scholarships: the more you try, the better your chances.

  • Stay Organized: Track your apps, because the last thing you want is sending an essay about “Why I Love Dogs” to a scholarship for future accountants.

Go Local – Think Small Pond, Big Fish

Here’s the deal: everyone’s going for the big, flashy, national scholarships. But while they’re distracted, you can sweep in and snatch the smaller, local ones. It’s like finding out everyone’s at the big concert while you’re at the cool underground show.

  • Hit Up Your High School: Local businesses, community groups, even that weird bowling alley down the street might offer scholarships for students in your area. Who knew?

  • City and State Programs: Some places just want to throw money at their local residents for college. You just have to know where to look.

  • Industry-Specific Scholarships: Planning to major in something fancy like healthcare or engineering? There’s probably a local company that wants to throw some cash your way for being awesome. Don’t let them down.

Let the Internet Do the Work – Scholarship Search Engines

Ah, the internet. Full of cat videos and…scholarships? Yeah, turns out it’s not all memes and clickbait. There are actual websites that do the heavy lifting and find scholarships for you. It’s like having a personal assistant, minus the paycheck.

  • Check Out Fastweb,, and Chegg: These sites are like the Tinder of scholarships. You put in your info, and they match you with scholarships you’re actually eligible for. Swipe right!

  • Tailor Your Search: Make your filters specific—whether it’s by major, location, or that weird talent for juggling while riding a unicycle. Narrow it down so you’re not wading through stuff that’s not for you.

  • Set Alerts: Let the search engines do the nagging for you. Get emails when new scholarships pop up, and boom—you’re ahead of the game without lifting a finger (okay, maybe one finger, but still).

Play to Your Strengths – AKA Show Off a Little

Are you a total rockstar at something? It doesn’t have to be academics, either (we won’t judge). Whether you’re a math wizard, a sports superstar, or can paint a portrait with your toes, there’s a scholarship for that.

  • Athletic Scholarships: If you’re more Serena Williams than Serena from Gossip Girl, go for it. Colleges love an athlete.

  • Creative Arts Scholarships: Whether you’re strumming a guitar, painting like Bob Ross, or acting your way to an Oscar, put those talents to work. Your mom’s been bragging about you—might as well get paid for it.

  • Leadership and Community Service: If you’ve ever bossed people around (in a nice way) or saved the world one bake sale at a time, congratulations, there’s a scholarship with your name on it.

Need-Based Scholarships – Because Sometimes Life Ain’t Cheap

If you’re feeling a little financially...fragile, there’s no shame in applying for need-based scholarships. In fact, that’s what they’re for. These are the ones that don’t care if you can dunk or play the violin—they just want to make sure you can afford to sit in a classroom without selling a kidney.

  • FAFSA Is Your Friend: FAFSA might sound like a magical creature, but it’s really just a form that decides how much financial help you can get. Fill it out (early!) and let the aid rain down.

  • Check with Colleges Directly: Some schools have big hearts and deep pockets. They offer scholarships based on financial need, so don’t forget to ask around.

  • Private Grants and Foundations: There are organizations out there specifically trying to help students in tough financial situations. Think of them like fairy godparents for your bank account.


Look, scholarships aren’t just for the geniuses or the super-athletic. They’re for anyone who’s willing to put in a little effort, hit a few deadlines, and maybe write a semi-decent essay. Whether you’re starting early, digging through local opportunities, or just relying on good old FAFSA, there are plenty of ways to reduce the sticker shock of college. So, go out there, apply to everything, and give your wallet a break. You (and your future) will thank you.

***Would you like to know what scholarships may be available at the top 3 colleges in your list? Then get your OWN College Money Report customized to you! Just Click on the link below to see what colleges will cost you!

Click Here for the Free Report

Good luck, kid. You’ve got this.

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Douglas Heagren

Douglas embarked on a mission to make the college planning process more manageable for families. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Douglas has honed his expertise and developed a deep understanding of the challenges families face when sending their children to college.

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